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Research On Health & Our Brain

To see a World in a Grain of Sand and a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand and Eternity in an hour.
William Blake

The list of researchers below have been deeply helpful in my quest to understand more about my health as well as my perception of the world we are a part of, and the way in which we interact with it. For me as a musician, these topics have helped me find more balance in both my body and mind, thus music. Perhaps you may find one or more of these people with whom you resonate and follow into their many works.


Iain McGilchrist - is a psychiatrist, writer, and former Oxford literary scholar. McGilchrist came to prominence after the publication in 2019 of his book The Master and His Emissary, subtitled The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World. And now the release of another masterpiece, The Matter with Things, he dives very deeply into the topic of how we perceive the world and act within it. His work work with the hemispheres of the brain has literally changed my life. His deeply integrated view of the arts (music dance poetry painting etc…) have made learning from his research all the more fluid. I highly recommend browsing through his work to see if it strikes a chord.


Neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Huberman - is an American neuroscientist and tenured professor in the Department of Neurobiology at the Stanford University School of Medicine. He has made numerous important contributions to the fields of brain development, brain plasticity, and neural regeneration and repair. I am particularly excited about his research on leaning and the ways to optimize brain function. Very useful and exciting knowledge. Enjoy!



Dr Valter Longo is a leading researcher into the science of keeping the body free of disease through a combination of diet & fast-mimicking cycles. He is a deep well of information regarding what is going on in our bodies as we age and how the body can rebuild healthy systems.

*Check out his website here and his book is just out as well. Amazing work!

Dr. Valter Longo Explains the Longevity Diet that Mimicks Fasting

These days, we hear a lot about fasting. Intermittent fasting, time-restricted eating, and water fasting are just some of the many terms being thrown around in support of better health. And we can't forget about the high-fat, ketogenic, and low-carb approaches that are gaining in popularity as well. Which one is best?

Dr. Rhonda Patrick speaks with Dr. Valter Longo, a professor of gerontology and biological sciences and director of the longevity institute at the University of Southern California. Dr. Longo has made huge contributions to the field of aging, including the role of fasting and diet in longevity and healthspan in humans as well as metabolic fasting therapies for the treatment of human diseases.



Satchin Panda is the leading expert on the science of Circadian Rhythms & Sleep. The data that is coming out now is powerful and eye opening about the importance of paying more attention to these rhythms. He also has done amazing studies on the revolutionary benefits of ‘Time Restricted Eating’ which has made amazing changes in my ‘musicians style - eating late’ type of behavior.

*Amazing knowledge and well worth spending a little time with the videos below & beyond.

Every organ and even every cell in our body has circadian or 24 h clock. Circadian clocks turn on and off thousands of genes at the right time of the day or night. These rhythms work together to maintain healthy balance of brain chemicals, hormones, and nutrients.

Dr. Rhonda Patrick speaks with Dr. Satchidananda Panda, a professor at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, California. Satchin's work deals specifically with the timing of food and it's relationship with our biological clocks governed by circadian rhythm and also the circadian rhythm in general.