Terms & Conditions
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Terms & Conditions
PRODUCTS: Thank you for shopping at Tala Records. We hope you enjoy the music and find useful the products you have purchased. We accept returns if there are factory defects or damage upon delivery - or in the case of Tops & Hooks & Cases, if over time there is extreme wear from usage, contact Ty to see about replacement parts or exchange - our products are designed to last. Thank you!
CONCERT TICKETS: Thank you for your purchase. These are General Admission Tickets (not reserved seats) No hard copy tickets will be sent to you. So please bring your ID for confirmation and your name will be on a list at the door. Concert tickets are non-refundable, however they are totally transferable. So email Ty with the new names and pass them on. Thanks again and we'll see you at the concert!
WORKSHOPS & RETREATS: Thank you for signing up for this workshop/retreat. We very much look forward to seeing you and feel free to email Ty with any questions. Workshops & Retreats are non-refundable, however all funds can be applied towards any future Workshop or Retreat. Thanks very much and we can't wait to see you there!