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Tabla Retreats

Boulder Tabla Retreat 2025

Honoring our dear Guru-ji Ustad Zakir Hussain

MAY 21st through MAY 24th 2025

Venue: Nevei Kodesh 1925 Glenwood Drive, Boulder CO. 80304

Wednesday Thursday Friday & Saturday 10am-3pm each day

WHAT TO BRING: Participants will need a set of tabla, if you need to get a set, or a fresh drum, contact Ty about getting that before the retreat. You will also need to bring along a willingness to visualize your limitless potential (pack that in your carry on:)

Limited to 25 participants - If you know you’d like to come, please make arrangements early. Come join us!

Price for Retreat: $500
(this is for the retreat classes only - please arrange your travel and accomadations separately)

Preferred Payment Methods would be Venmo or Zelle contact Ty: tyburhoe @

if you don’t have either of the above payment options, then a regular credit card payment will also work.
Simply go to ‘Custom Payments’ link below and enter $500 into the ‘Other Amount’ option.

Japan Tabla Retreat 2025

Honoring our dear Guru-ji Ustad Zakir Hussain

SEPT 29th through Oct 3rd 2025

Venue: Researching Now (in the Tono / Hanamaki area)

Five days: Monday thru Friday (two classes per day)

WHAT TO BRING: Participants will need a set of tabla, if you want to rent a set from Ty (so you don’t need to carry them on the plane)
then contact Ty to reserve your set. Bring a notebook for note taking and your adventurous spirit to not only explore the amazing culture of
Japan, but the endless Universe of music and tabla!

Limited to 10 participants - If you know you’d like to come, please make arrangements early. Almost full now.
And if it becomes full, we’ll put your name on a waiting list, since often people need to shift their plans.

Price for Retreat: $1500
(This is for the retreat classes only - We will provide separate information about travel, hotel and meals)

Preferred Payment Methods would be Venmo or Zelle - if you don’t have either of those, then a regular credit card payment will also work. Just contact Ty: tyburhoe @ to make arrangements.


Ty has created a series of classes which will allow you to learn & study the art of tabla from home


Ty has put together a step by step series of lessons designed to guide everyone from total beginners, up through intermediate players into the amazing world of tabla.

Learn Tabla in the convenience of your home and at your own pace.

Everyone is welcome and there is something in these courses for all musicians:
Classes on tabla repair & maintenance
Classes on pure rhythm training
Classes on Taal, Theka & Indian Music Overview
Classes on the core forms of composition
and much more…

Come join us! Click Here

"Real music is not for wealth, not for honours or even the joys of the mind...
but as a path for realization and salvation."    - Ustad Ali Akbar Khan

Blessings from Ustad Zakir Hussain: 
The inspiration behind Ty's vision in sharing this musical tradition and the origin of these teachings come from his Guru, Ustad Zakir Hussain. Ty has been a disciple of Zakir Hussain since 1990 and to this day is his main assistant / tour manager. For more information about Ustad Zakir Hussain, please go to

What you'll need:
A set of tabla (hammer, hook, needle nose pliers & talc powder)
A notebook (audio recorders allowed).
A willingness to visualize your limitless potential.

Ordering Tabla: 
If you do not yet own your own set of tabla, or you'd like a new one, then please email tyburhoe @ - but try to order at least a month and a half before the retreat since they are custom made in India and need to be shipped. If you need a rental set, also inquire with Ty. 

Tabla Repair
The process of learning tabla also includes learning to repair, maintain the instrument. Specialty items like this repair hook are very important tools which help make tabla repair easy. It is actually a very important skill to learn in these modern times, where tabla players are touring all over the world and traveling from humid to dry environments may happen almost every concert. Since it rare to find a repairman who deals at all with instruments of this kind, tabla players themselves need to know the art of maintaining and repairing tabla.